Exercise Science drinking water in summer

In the hot summer, during physical exercise at the same time, be sure to pay attention to the water to add more than 20% of body weight, if a person is dehydrated, it may result in death. However, regardless of the occasion, regardless of time to drink a lot of water will be able to add moisture to it? How to Science drinking water?

(1) Timely

Summer moisture disappear, so whether it is before exercise, sports or exercise should replenish moisture, keep the body sufficient water, physiological balance.

(2) The amount of

The usual daily urination, perspiration is about 1 to 1.5 liters, summer is much higher than this amount, so every day during the summer perspiration 1 liter replenishment 1.5 liters. Before exercise needed to add moisture to drink lots of water but not easy. Motion to add water a few times should follow the principle of control in the range of 100 to 300 ml at a time, and should be spaced about half an hour. Immediately after exercise should not drink a lot of water.

(3) Appropriate to add salt

In motion to drink some of the low concentration of salt water, glucose water, juice, etc., so that you can add moisture, they can replenish salts to maintain fluid balance and blood glucose levels; quench their thirst after exercise drink hot tea, soup, , to recuperate also can play a better role.

The summer body water evaporates more water is particularly important for people to participate in sports and fitness. Chen Geng said, if you go for sports fitness, it is best to bring their own water, a small amount of water, do not wait until thirsty to go drinking, avoid binge drinking. Guzzle a lot of stimulation to the stomach when the drinking water of more than 1000 ml adjustment mechanism will be through the body, causing water diuresis, but caused by the loss of water.



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